Tenali Raman Stories

Tenali Raman stories present an ingenious figure that is not only quick-witted and intelligent but also highly skilled in conquering obstacles and outwitting challengers. Story of Tenali Raman shows how intelligence and knowledge can be used to overcome challenges in life and succeed through his witty plans and entertaining tricks. Tenali Raman stories in English are the a living example of how intellect, kindness, and a sense of humor can overcome even the most trying circumstances.

Story of Tenali Raman

Story of Tenali Raman and his genious methods are worth reading. Tenali Raman was a telegu poet, a scholar, and the closest advisor for the emperor Krishnadevaraya. Tenali Raman had a great sense of humor, in some Tenali Raman stories in English, it is mentioned that Maa Kali had appeared before him, blessed him, and admired his sense of humor. Tenali’s quick thinking and problem-solving abilities impressed the King Krishnadevaraya. Tenali Rama quickly became close to the king and held an important position and became a valuable asset to Krishnadevaray’s court.
Tenali Raman Stories in English
Our collection of new Tenali Raman Stories in English are uploaded and updated everyday. Story Time India presents unqiue Tenali Raman stories for our readers that are filled of illustrations and moral lessons. These stories usually involve three main characters: Tenali Raman, Krishnamahadevaraya, and Rajguruji. Every story of Tenali Raman offers a problem solving and decision making mindset which will be helpful in our daily lives. STI uploads a new story everyday so that you dont have to read the same story you read yesterday. Start exploring Tenali Raman short stories. Happy Reading!!

Tenali Raman Stories
The Day When Tenali Got Blessings from Maa Kali
It was Sunday, and Sharda Devi (Tenali’s wife) insisted that both of them visit the temple. At the temple, they saw a beggar who was young and begging for money from people. Sharda Devi took out some money to hand it to him, but Tenali refused and told her not to give him any money.
Maa Kali was watching everything and became angry at Tenali for refusing to give money to the poor beggar. As they were worshipping, Maa Kali appeared in front of them and asked Tenali why he had stopped his wife from giving money to the poor beggar.
Seeing the anger of Maa Kali, Sharada Devi was worried that something bad would happen to them. Tenali said, “I am sorry to have angered you, and yes, the beggar was a poor young man. However, I believe that a young and healthy man can work and earn for himself, and not beg for money. If it was an old person or someone who is physically challenged, I would have helped them without any question.”
Maa Kali was very impressed with Tenali's answer and his sense of judgment. Her anger instantly cooled down as she blessed Tenali to be clever and brave.
Tenali approached the young man and advised him to not beg for money and instead come to the royal palace for work.
The young beggar became happy and agreed to do so. We must help the elderly and people who are physically challenged, and anyone fit to work should not beg for money.

Story of Tenali Raman
Tenali Raman and The Unethical Merchant
In the kingdom of Vijayanagara, there lived a rich and greedy merchant. He never gave any of his money or support to people in need; instead, he charged a lot of money for his goods, and those poor people could barely afford them. Tenali had seen everything but could not do anything because the merchant had not broken any rules. Tenali prayed to the gods to help the poor people and teach the greedy merchant a lesson.
Maa Kali was watching the merchant’s every action and step, and was very disappointed. Maa Kali decided to take every bit of money he had, and that would be a punishment for all his bad deeds.
Soon the merchant lost everything and went crying to Tenali for his help. The merchant had already realized all his mistakes and was ready to do everything the right way.
After realizing the merchant’s awakening, Tenali gave him two pieces of gold and told him to start everything from the beginning. Two pieces of gold were not enough to get him back on track, but the merchant took them and opened a small shop.
From that day on, everything he sold and everyone he served, he did with love and compassion; he even gave goods to the poor for free. Eventually, people started to like him and buy goods from his shop.
Maa Kali saw the merchant’s change of heart and how well he was treating his customers and the poor. She then blessed the merchant with wealth and happiness. The merchant was grateful for Tenali’s help and always sold his goods at the right price, even for free, to the poor.
The merchant realized that every human being should serve with love and compassion. We can cheat people without letting them know, but God is always watching, and we will be punished for our bad deeds.

Tenali Raman Moral Story
The Unworthy Son and His Realization
Tenali was visiting the market with his wife. While returning home, they heard loud noises coming from a house. They quickly approached the house and found a man (Hari) scolding his mother and disrespecting her. Tenali and his wife were sad to see this.
After few days, the man sent his mother to an old-age home, and his mother was very emotional about this. As time passed, Hari had a son, and she loved him very much. He would buy anything his son would ask for and fulfill his every need.
Soon his son became older and got married, while Hari became older. As much love and care Hari had given to his son, he expected that his son would take care of him in old age. But the son slowly started avoiding his father and wanted to send him to the old age home, as he wanted to live alone with his wife.
Hari became very sad when his son decided to send him to an old age home. Hari remembered the past, when he would scold and shout at his elderly mother. He realized that whatever he had done to his mother had come back to haunt him, and this was his punishment.
Hari was sent to the old age home, and that day, he realized that we must treat our parents with love and care in their old age just like they had taken care of us in our early childhood days.

Akbar and Birbal Stories

Panchatantra Stories

English Moral Stories
Tenali Raman Short Stories
- Jealousy and Embarassment: Rajguruji And His Insulting Jokes
Rajguruji was fed up with Tenali, as Tenali outsmarted him in every affair. Rajguruju wanted to re-establish his authority and become the king’s closest advisor once again. Therefore, Rajguruji made a plan to humiliate Tenali Raman in front of everyone in the village.
A few weeks later, at a festival, everyone had gathered. Tenali was having a good time with his family, and everyone was enjoying the performances and presentations of different artists on the stage. It was time to announce the next performer, and to everyone’s surprise, Rajguruji was called out as the upcoming performer.
Rajguruji received applause when he came on stage. He started telling stories and jokes to the audience. Raman and other villagers were laughing at his jokes and enjoying Rajguruji on stage. All of a sudden, Rajguruji started a joke that involved Tenali, and it was very humiliating. Rajguruji had planned this joke to humiliate Tenali in front of everyone. Tenali felt humiliated in front of the king, his fellow courtiers, and all the villagers.
Tenali understood that Rajguruji had done this to humiliate him, as people did not respect him as they did before. However, Tenali was not angry; instead, he kept laughing at the childish act of Rajguruji. Tenali thought that he must give Rajguruji a chance to prove himself.
The next day, when everyone gathered in the royal court, Tenali called out Rajguruji and said,
“My friends have told me that Rajguruji is a better advisor than me, and he should be the one who is closest to the emperor.”
Rajguruji was happy to hear this. Tenali continued, “My friends have challenged me to ask Rajguruji for a test, and if Rajguruji passes it, I shall forever be gone from this kingdom, and he would be the closest advisor to the king once again.”
Rajguruji’s joy had no bounds now; he quickly agreed to the test. Tenali presented two questions in front of Rajguruji, and if he answered even one question correctly, he would win.
Tenali asked, “I don’t have hands or legs, but I go everywhere. I don’t have a mouth to speak, but I reveal even the darkest of secrets. What am I?
Rajguruji was confused and could not answer the question. The answer was a letter. There was still another chance left for Rajguruji, as Tenali asked, “No one can leave me behind in the race; what am I?” Rajguruji started thinking of some of the fastest runners in the village and said, Is it Mahesh? He runs very fast. If not, then it must be Kiran; there is no one faster than him.
All the courtiers laughed at Rajguruji’s foolishness. Tenali said the answer was time. Rajguruji was embarrassed in front of the court and the king. He apologized to Tenali for his jokes at the ceremony. Rajguruji had never felt such embarrassment in his life.
Rajguruji learned that we must always compete fairly, and even if we lose, we must not use ill methods to harm our competitors.
- Judgement with Clarity: The Little Thief And Tenali’s Compassion
In the marketplace of Vijayanagara, an angry merchant was shouting with frustration. Tenali was passing by the market as he heard the angry merchant shouting in front of a crowd. Tenali approached the merchant to ask about the reason for his distress.
The merchant said that his shop had become the victim of a mysterious thief, and he could not catch him. Even after protecting his shop with locks, items continued to disappear without a trace.
Tenali was instantly excited for the challenge, and he offered his help to catch the thief. He assured the merchant that he would catch the thief no matter what. Tenali began his investigation and thought of ways he could catch the thief.
He gathered information from the eyewitnesses and carefully inspected the area. While others scratched their heads in confusion, clever Tenali noticed footprints in the dust.
Tenali came up with a clever plan to catch him. A day later, he bought a bottle of ink and poured it throughout the shop.
The merchant noticed that his goods were missing from the shop; he started shouting, and soon a crowd formed around him. Tenali saw the crowd and quickly approached the merchant. He asked everyone to stay where they were to find the thief. He then asked everyone to take off their shoes and place them in front of them.
Tenali swiftly goes around the crowd looking for the shoe covered with ink that he had poured in the merchant’s shop. He then saw a little boy, afraid and sweating all over his face, and his shoes were covered with ink.
Tenali knew that the little boy was the one stealing goods from the merchant every day. However, he ignored the boy and came back to the merchant, saying that he could not find the thief. Tenali also advised the merchant that his goods would not be stolen anymore. The merchant was confused by Tenali’s statement, ‘The thief was not found, but his goods won’t disappear anymore.’
Later that day, Tenali visited the little, scared boy from the market. When the boy saw Tenali, he was scared, as if he had seen a ghost. The little boy tried to run away, but Tenali quickly came up to him and said, “I knew you were the thief from the market, and I also knew that you were afraid of getting caught in front of that many people.”
The little boy felt sorry and said that he would not steal anymore. He also thanked Tenali for not revealing him in front of all the people.
The story teaches us compassion and understanding. We must stay away from stealing and live in harmony.
- Tenali Raman Stories: The Queen And Her Mysterious Disease
In the Kingdom of Vijayanagara, the queen falls seriously ill. Despite the efforts of many doctors from all over the world, the queen does not get better. King Krishnadevaraya is very worried about his beloved queen and does everything he can to help her get back to her healthy state.
After realizing that no doctor can cure his beloved wife, he gathers all of his courtiers in the palace and asks them to come up with a solution. The courtiers, with all their might and knowledge, start searching for the cure.
The next day, they gathered again in the royal palace. Everyone had come up with ideas, but none could help the queen. The king only had one option left to cure the queen, and it was Tenali Raman. The king called Tenali Raman into his chamber and explained everything to him.
Tenali began worrying about the situation but determined to find the cure.
Later that day, Tenali went to the queen’s chamber to investigate her disease. He noticed a fruit which he hadn’t seen before. The queen tells Tenali about the mysterious jungle where she collected those fruits. Tenali quickly went to the forest as described by the queen and finds lots of fruits exactly like he saw in the queen’s chamber. Tenali knew that the cause of the queen’s sickness was the fruit she was eating, but he did not know the cure for it.
As Tenali wandered around the forest looking for clues, he saw an old sage passing by. He explained everything that happened and asked if there was cure for it. The sage told him about the fruit and how poisonous it was, and he also gave him a recipe for the cure.
Tenali quickly gathered the ingredients and went back to the kingdom. He prepared an herbal concussion using the ingredients he had collected in the forest. He then took the medicine to the queen and told her about the poisonous effect of the fruit she was eating.
In the evening, Tenali headed toward the queen’s chamber to monitor her health. As he entered the queen’s chamber, he heard laughters of the king and the queen as if nothing had happened. The queen was jumping with joy, and the king was very happy to see that. They also realized how lucky they were to have Tenali in their kingdom.
They both thank and reward Tenali for his quick thinking and for coming up with a solution to save the queen.
The story tells us that the world itself is a big, expansive book, and sometimes we must venture beyond academic studies and explore the rich elements and experiences the world has to offer.
- Story of Tenali Raman: The Newly Apopointed Jealous Courtier
In the Kingdom of Vijayanagara, a royal courtier named Kundan was appointed some months ago. He was appointed for his clever attitude, but no one knew that he was jealous of other people’s success and achievements. After some time, other courtiers became aware of this situation, and they tried to stay away from him.
Kundan’s jealousy increased every day when, one day, it reached its peak. He started going to other courtiers’ houses when they were in the royal court during the day. One by one, he would steal gold and silver from their house; the courtiers were already tired of this. No one could catch him because of his clever ways. Only once or twice a month, he would pretend to be ill and cleverly steal riches from other courtiers’ houses.
The courtiers gathered and went to Tenali Raman, who was shocked to hear about this. Tenali went to inspect their houses, and in most houses, he found one thing common. There were some almonds on the floor.
Tenali then realized that Kundan was very fond of almonds, as he believed that eating almonds was good for his brain. Tenali then went to Kundan’s house and found all the stolen goods there. Kundan was suspended from the royal court, and he was sent to prison for thievery.
The courtiers were relieved after retrieving the stolen goods and were grateful to Tenali Raman. They also understood that being clever will help you go up, but jealousy and theft will always end badly.
- Blessings of Maa Kali: The Greedy Merchant
The marketplace was crowded as Tenali was making his way through. Suddenly, he heard loud noises coming from a corner shop. He approached the shop to inspect the situation and found an unsatisfied customer. She was complaining about several incidents she had with the vendor. She argued that the vendor was not giving the right quantity for the price, but the vendor showed Tenali a weighing scale and insisted that he give the right quantity as per the weighing scale.
Tenali was confused for a moment. He knew that the customer was not telling lies, but the vendor did not look like he cheated as he used a proper weighing scale. The customer repeatedly insisted that he never gives the right quantity.
Tenali started inspecting the shop; in every nook and cranny, he did not find anything suspicious. As he bent down to look under the table, he saw the bottom of the weighing scale. Tenali was surprised to see a magnet attached to the weighing scale, and he understood the vendor’s trickery.
Tenali revealed the magnet to everyone and summoned the royal guards to arrest him. His shop was sealed, and the vendor was sent to prison. We must always maintain honesty and discipline in our work. Lies and trickery always end badly.
- Tenali Raman Short Stories: A Plant That Grows Money
A stranger was seen in the royal court as Tenali and King Krishnadevaraya were talking about making the kingdom stronger. He appeared in front of the king and presented two plants that could grow money forever. The king had never heard anything like this before and was very interested in the plant. Tenali and Rajguruji were witnessing the scene too.
The king asked the stranger to tell him more about the money plant. The stranger then told me everything about the plant, including that it took at least 3 months to grow money on the plants. He asked for a pouch of gold for each plant. The king immediately gave two pouches of gold for the two money plants in his hands and asked if he had more.
The stranger then said that he had many money plants, but he could not give more than two plants to anyone. He also said that many people became rich after buying the plant.
The king rejoiced and instantly stood up to go and plant them in his private garden. However, Tenali stopped him with a bold statement.
“Your Highness, I believe that the plant is ordinary and the stranger is a fraud.”
King Krishnadevaraya’s mood dropped instantly, and he became angry with Tenali for saying such a thing. He said, “How dare you, Tenali? What proof do you have to support your statement? Let me be clear! If you cannot prove what you say, you will be sent to prison.”
Tenali went closer to the stranger and said, “Give me those gold pouches!” and he snatched the gold that the king himself had given to the stranger.
The stranger was frightened by it and said, “Your Highness, I am only a poor merchant. How will I feed my family if you take my gold?”.
Tenali looked at the king and said, “Your Highness, if the plant could grow money, wouldn’t this poor merchant plant it himself and become rich?”
King Krishnadevaraya realized that he had blindly trusted the stranger without any precautions. He thanked Tenali once again for saving his integrity and handed him those two pouches that were initially given to the stranger.
Before making any decision, we must be certain of its effects and outcomes, and we should not blindly trust strangers.
- Thief Among Friends: The Necklace Thief
The royal court of Krishnadevaraya became silent after the queen’s stolen necklace was announced. The king was angry, and the courtiers were surprised to hear this. Thievery in the royal palace was not something that happened very often. The king demanded his courtiers find the stolen necklace along with the thief.
Everyone began to look for the necklace; some went to the village; some interrogated the villagers; and some started questioning the guards. Despite their efforts, neither the queen’s necklace nor the thief were found. The king could not believe that even his worthy courtiers could not find a solution to this.
The king had nowhere else to go but to Tenali Raman, who was shocked to hear about the theft. Tenali was informed that all the villagers and guards had already been inspected, but the thief had not been found. Tenali understood that if the villagers and guards were not involved in this, it must be someone from the royal court. He then asked all the courtiers to gather in the royal court.
After they all gathered, Tenali announced that the necklace had already been found, it had been returned to the queen, and all the courtiers could rest now. King Krishnadevaraya did not understand what was happening. The courtiers were then dismissed.
Tenali secretly instructed the guards to follow the courtiers. The guards noticed that everyone went to their home, but one courtier named ‘Dhiren’ went somewhere else. It was Dhiren who stole the queen’s necklace, and he was scared and shocked after Tenali said that the necklace was found. He quickly went to the place where he had hidden the necklace and was relieved to see that the necklace was still there.
As he turned back, he saw Tenali and the King standing just behind him. Dhiren’s crime was caught, and the necklace was returned to the queen. Once again, Tenali’s clever ways had helped the king find the necklace and the thief.
Stories of Akbar and Birbal

Panchatantra Stories

English Moral Stories

Our Readers Ask: Tenali Raman Story
Tenali Ramakrishna also referred as Tenali Rama, was an Indian poet, scholar, and the closest advisor in the court of King Krishnadevaraya of the Vijayanagara Empire. He is known for his wit, intelligence, and humorous character.
Tenali Rama had impressed King Krishnadevaraya with his quick wit and clever solutions to various problems. Because of his talent, the king appointed him as his court jester, admiring Tenali Rama’s ability to entertain and insightful advice and solutions to dfficult challenges.
The exact reason of his death is uncertain, however, it is believed that he passed away because of a snake bite.
Tenali Raman is famous for his wit, intelligence, humor, and wisdom. He was a poet, scholar, and advisor in the court of King Krishnadevaraya of the Vijayanagara Empire. His clever ways, quick thinking and problem-solving features solve with humor have made him famous in Indian folklore.
Tenali Raman’s character is as explained as in the stories. He was an advisor in the court of Krishnadevaraya and was a real person, however some of the stories are created for educational and entertainment purpose.
Real Story of Tenali Ramakrishna
Tenali Rama’s birth name was Garlapati Raman and was born in a Telugu-speaking Niyogi Hindu Brahmin family in the late fifteenth century. His father, Garlapati Rama was priest in the Ramalingesvara temple in Santharavuru and had passed away when Ramakrishna was young. Tenali Rama was raised by his mother Lakshmamma in Tenali, and that is the reason why he is known as Tenali Ramakrishna. Story of Ramakrishna is worth reading.
Regardless of not getting any formal education in his early childhood days, he became a scholar, a priest and the closest advisor to king Krishnadevaraya. He was rejected by the Vaishnava scholars for being a Shaiva, but he acquired knowledge from various pandits. A sage had advised Tenali to worship Goddess Kali, which he did with devotion and was blessed with wit and humor by Goddess Kali herself.
He held an important position in the court of Krishnadevaraya and was the closest friend and advisor to the emperor. History tells that Tenali saved the emperor on multiple occasions and rescued him from many difficulties. The cause of his death is uncertain, but it is believed that de died due to a snake bite. Later, stories were made on his character which displayed a witty and clever character. Short stories of Tenali Raman are not only cherised in India, but aslo in the rest of the world.