Panchatantra Stories

Panchatantra Stories, or stories of Panchatantra, are a collection of short stories involving every character nature has to offer, and they impart morale and ethical values to the readers. These tales have their own way of teaching through story-telling, and their legacy has lasted for centuries. Along with the moral and ethical values, short panchatantra story in English teach about friendship, betrayal, loyalty, and wise decision-making that continue to resonate with readers of all ages.
Panchatantra Story in English

Panchatantra story in English are not only famous in India or other Asian countries, but they have been a part of every human being on earth, but they have been named differently. In India, we call them ‘Panchatantra Stories’; in other parts, people know them as ‘fables’, ‘folklore’, or simply ‘animal stories’. These terms are used to describe the same collection of stories originating from the short stories of Panchatantra.

Short Stories of Panchatantra

Panchatantra Story in English
The Lion and The Mouse
In the jungle of Madhya Pradesh, there lived a mighty lion and a small mouse.
One day, the lion was sleeping in his den when a small mouse accidentally interrupted his sleep.
The little mouse was scared for his life when the lion opened his furious eyes.
The little mouse could not think of anything that could save his life, so he simply apologized, even though he knew the lion wouldn't spare him. The lion’s anger instantly cooled down after the mouse apologized for disturbing him. The lion then decided to spare him.
The little mouse could not believe that the mighty lion had spared him.
One day, the little mouse was looking for food in the forest, and he saw the lion again. The lion was trapped in a net, and there was no one to help him. The mouse remembered that the lion had spared him before, and this was his time to repay the lion.
The little mouse sneakily went around the net the lion was trapped in and started cutting it, and eventually the lion was released. The lion, who had given up on his life, was full of joy and thanked the mouse for his help. The mouse and lion became best friends and lived together from that day on.
We must help anyone who is in need, and one day, surely, the deed will be returned.

Panchatantra Stories
A Turtle's Wish To Fly
A turtle was roaming the forests of Karnataka when he saw birds flying in the sky.
This instantly raised a thought in his mind. He wanted to fly like those birds and see the ground from up above.
After many unsuccessful attempts, he gave up and was very sad, realizing that he could never fly like the birds.
One day, he was trapped by many hungry hyenas with the intent of eating him. The slow turtle realized that he had no chance of escape and was ready to give up. As the hyenas approached the turtle, he hid inside his shell and started praying to God to make him a bird in his next life.
After some time, when the turtle came out of his strong shield, he found out that he was completely unharmed and that his shield had protected him.
That day, he realized that even though he could not fly or run fast, he was given strength and a special shield that God had given him to protect him, which no other animals had. He thanked God for making him, since then, he never again wished to fly high or run fast.
We must understand that God has given different abilities to different human beings and animals. We should not be jealous of others’s abilities but understand the gift God has given us and work on it to make it better.

Short Stories of Panchatantra
The Wise Elephant and The Ant Army
A wise elephant was grazing in the jungle of Madhya Pradesh, and behind him was an army of ants traveling to find a new home.
The ants, led by their queen, accidentally entered the elephant’s ears. The elephant was in great pain and started running around the field.
The ant queen realized that they had accidentally entered the elephant’s ears and alerted all the ants about the situation.
The ants were scared because they had caused pain to the elephant, and it would be angry at them. The queen had to assure them that everything would be okay and asked them to remain in one place until the elephant stopped running.
After the elephant stopped, the queen came out of the elephant’s ears and apologized for their mistake. The wise elephant understood what happened and forgave them immediately.
The queen then led her army outside of the elephant’s ears as they apologized and thanked the elephant for forgiving them.
The ant army safely reached their new home, unharmed and proud of their queen.

Tenali Raman Stories

Story of Akbar Birbal

English Moral Stories
Panchatantra Stories with Moral
- Winter is Coming: Wise Owl And The Greedy Squirrel
Once upon a time, there lived a wise owl and a greedy squirrel. It was winter, and soon it would be difficult to find survival foods. The wise owl called upon a meeting with all the animals and suggested that they share their food so that everyone could fight this together and survive the winter.
All the animals agreed to share their food, but the greedy squirrel, who had a big stash of nuts, did not want to share it with other animals. All the animals shared their food and helped each other, while the greedy squirrel was happy with his stash and did not care about other animals.
Soon, the big stash of the greedy squirrel had emptied, and he thought about going outside his shelter to find more nuts. However, it was cold outside and difficult to find food as it was winter, so he went back to his shelter and started worrying about food. He did not eat anything for a day as he did not want to ask for help with other animals.
The owl sees the greedy squirrel and felt bad for him. The wise owl suggested everyone share some of their food with the squirrel. The squirrel was pleased to get food and also apologized for his behavior. They all shared their food, and everyone survived the winter.
To live in harmony with others, we must be cooperative and helpful. Sharing and caring are the most important aspects of living in a society.
- Power in Unity: A Clever Fox And A Grumpy Bear
In a jungle along the border of India, a group of animals lived in harmony and peace. Everyone was helpful towards one another and they would deal with every difficulty together.
Among the animals, there also lived a clever fox and a grumpy bear. The bear was too lazy to do any work and would sleep all day. It was the summer season, and there was a drought in the village; water was nowhere to be found. All the animals become worried and gather to find a solution.
The fox got an idea; he presented a plan for digging a well in a specified place, where he believed to find water. Every animals were excited except for the grumpy bear, who did not believe the fox’s plan and was too lazy to do anything. The bear was big and strong, and the animals needed his strength to dig the well. But the lazy bear refused, saying that the fox’s idea was not worth his time and energy.
All the animals began digging, and finally, after 3 days, they completed the well. If the lazy bear had helped, it would have been completed in one day. However, the well did have water, and their hard work helped them get it.
When the grumpy bear saw other animals with plenty of water, he regretted his decision to not help. Because he had refused to help, he thought the other animals would not share water with him. But he was surprised when everyone shared their water with him. He realized his mistake and promised to help everyone from that day on.
Optimism and cooperation can solve any problem, but laziness and grumpiness will never help you achieve your goals.
- Panchatantra Stories with Moral: Strategy Of A Wise Giraffe
In the forest of Karnataka, many animals lived in harmony and peace. ‘Sherni’ the lioness was the queen of the jungle, and a wise giraffe was her advisor. The lioness and the giraffe always kept watch over other animals to ensure safety and peace.
One day, a ferocious wolf entered the jungle when every animal was in their shelter. Every day, he would come to the jungle and attack other animals. The giraffe was aware of the situation and advised a strategy for the queen to capture the hungry wolf.
He had asked all the animals to come together to defeat the hungry wolf. He asked the snake to remain hidden in the grass and see his movements. He asked the birds to roam around the forest to see where he lived. He kept watch over other animals using his tall height, and every animal helped with their abilities.
The next day, when the hungry wolf entered the forest again, the wise giraffe suggested to the turtle that he go trick the wolf. The turtle went in front of the wolf, and the other animals waited for the right moment to capture the wolf.
The wolf became happy that the turtle came in front of him, and as he jumped towards the turtle, it enclosed itself with its shell, the wolf banged his head on the shell fell to the ground.
All the animals surrounded the hungry wolf and captured him. The wolf was brought to justice by the queen of the forests, and the animals lived in peace ever after.
The strategy of the wise giraffe would not have resulted in this if all the animals had not cooperated and worked together. We can overcome even the greatest problems with cooperation and teamwork.
- A Tale of Confidence: The Clever Monkey And The Proud Lion
In the forests of Maharastra lived a lion who was too proud of his physical abilities. He would go into the forest and challenge other animals to fight. Knowing the lion’s abilities, other animals bend their heads before him. The proud lion would threaten everyone and warn them about the consequences if they did not do as he said.
The animals would always follow the rules set by him and do whatever he wished. A clever monkey was keeping a close eye on what was happening every day and decided to confront the lion.
The next day, when the lion came again to terrorize the forest, challenging all animals to a fight, the clever monkey spoke up and said, “I don’t consider you the king of this forest.”
The lion got angry as he heard this and said, “Little monkey, have you lost your mind? Do you realize who you are talking to?”
Monkey says, “I know very well who I am talking with; it’s the lion who cannot catch me.”
The lion gets angry and climbs the tree to catch the monkey; the monkey then jumps to another tree. When the lion tries to jump, he falls to the ground. He again climbs another tree, but the monkey jumps to the next tree. This carries on for a long time until the lion gets tired and accepts his defeat.
The whole forest witnessed the lion get defeated by a monkey. The lion was embarrassed and could not show his face to anyone. The proud lion realized that the only way to live in the animal community was by cooperating and understanding each other. The animals forgave him for all his mistakes with the condition that if the lion ever threatened anyone again, he would be banished from the forest.
The lion also understood that having physical abilities is a gift and that the gift should be utilized for the benefit of the community. The animals showed that we must always act with mercy and forgiveness.
- Panchatantra Stories: A Treasure Protected By The Spirit
In a village in Chandigarh, a farmer named Govind lived with his family. Every day, he worked on his crops to buy food for his family. One afternoon, when Govind was working in his fields, he heard whispering sounds coming from the old well near his land. Govind was scared and curious, as he had never heard those sounds before. Govind went closer to the well to hear the voice. He then discovered something amazing.
He heard someone speaking about the hidden treasures and secrets that are buried deep underground, and the way to reach them was by going into a well. Govind was both excited and scared by the thought of discovering treasure. He started thinking about how he could retrieve it. He could not think of any good ways of going into the well and thought he might need help.
Govind decided to share it with his neighbor (Hari), who had a wise character and knowledge of ancient treasures. Hari was quickly excited after hearing about the treasure and wanted to become a part of it. They headed out to solve the mystery of the whispering well together.
With only a lantern but lots of courage, Govind and Hari headed into the empty well. It was dark and scary, but they went on, following the whispering sounds of treasure. They finally reached the bottom of the well and started searching for the treasure.
They searched for hours and were tired of it when, suddenly, they stumbled upon a hidden chamber in the well. The path was very dark, and the lantern’s light was slowly fading away. Their hope of treasure leads them towards the chamber and inside. Shockingly, they found ancient treasures shining in the light of their lantern. They looked at each other with excitement, started digging into the treasure, and suddenly heard another whispering voice.
Soon, they realized that they were not alone. They saw a spirit wearing a white cloth and floating in mid-air. The spirit was angry because of their intrusion, and the spirit appeared before them. Govind and Hari begged for forgiveness while their hearts beat fast with fear.
They told the spirit about the whispers Govind had heard while working and everything that happened after, and they apologized to the spirit.
Moved by their sincerity, the spirit forgave them and also gave them some of the treasure. Worried and scared, Govind and Hari returned to the surface with their hands filled with riches.
The spirit had asked them not to tell anyone about the treasure and the mysterious well. They bought clothes and food for their families and donated some treasures to the poor.
Like Govind and Hari, we must be sincere and honest. Who knows? Even a spirit may spare you.
Tenali Raman Stories

Akbar Birbal Stories

English Moral Stories

Our Readers Ask: Panchatantra Stories
Panchatantra Stories were written by an Indian scholar and author Vishnu Sharma.
Panchatantra Stories are the tools or medium used to impart moral, ethic, discipline, and decision-making abilities to the young ones. The stories usually involve animal characters who talk and communicate with other animals, go on adventures, go through many challenges and difficulties and overcome them.
Originally, there are 5 Panchatantra story books written by an Indian scholar and author, Vishnu Sharma. The books are
- Mitra-bheda (The Loss of Friends)
- Mitra-labha (The Winning of Friends)
- Kakolukiyam (On Crows and Owls)
- Labdhapranasam (Loss of Gains)
- Apariksitakarakam (Ill-Considered Action)
Panchatantra Stories are expected to have come around 1200 BCE to 300 BC.
Real Panchatantra Story in Short
Panchatantra Stories are like magic books where we dive into the world of imagination and endless possibilities. Originally, there were 5 Panchatantra Story Books written by an Indian scholar and author Vishnu Sharma. The 5 books are:
- Mitra-bheda (The Loss of Friends)
- Mitra-labha (The Winning of Friends)
- Kakolukiyam (On Crows and Owls)
- Labdhapranasam (Loss of Gains)
- Apariksitakarakam (Ill-Considered Action)